Saturday, August 09, 2008

Beijing Olympics 2008 Opening Ceremony

Just to share some thoughts on the opening ceremony of the Beijing 2008 Olympics.

In summary, it was impressive. After all, it is not everyday that you see a whole stadium of thousands of performers. More than 2000 drummers, covering the stadium floor, carrying out a traditional drum performance. Or that same number of people, doing a mass taiji/wushu display, so well coordinated. A few hundred people forming a moving typing press. The giant fireworks footsteps really seemed like a giant walking to the stadium. And many more. These mass displays made possible not by machines, but by the hard work and time spent on practice by human beings.
It goes to show just what is possible when China wants something bad enough, to throw in the resources, time and effort into making the Olympics a success. A nation that can do such a feat, even if challenged technologically and politically now, will no doubt be a player to watch out for in the future.

In the mass displays, China has shown the world the inventions that the Chinese have delivered that have influenced history. Now, it remains for us to see what the Chinese of the future have to deliver to put themselves back into being makers of history. And the first step is this historical event known as the opening ceremony of the 2008 Beijing Olympics.

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