After an impressive opening ceremony, I must say the closing ceremony was a disappointment.
It was simple, nothing elaborate, nothing out of the ordinary, nothing to take your breath away. Just people entering the grounds, walking around, simple mass displays (although still with thousands of performers), and the usual singing.
I guess with such an impactful opening ceremony, everything else will pale in comparison, and it will be hard to keep up for future Olympics.
Ramblings of an ex-computer geek... Games from the late 80s and 90s... Linux and open source software...
Monday, August 25, 2008
Friday, August 15, 2008
Remembering defeat
Today is the 63rd anniversary of Japan's defeat in World War Two. Time flies, generations have passed since the war, and the present generation knows little about the war besides what they learn from books. And to mark this memorable day, guess what the Japanese ministers did?
Japan ministers, but not premier, visit war shrine
Talk about learning from mistakes...
Yasukuni Shrine has so much controversy surrounding it not just because of the shrine proper (which enshrined war criminals, though its main purpose is to enshrine all those who died for the Japanese emperor), but because within the same compounds, there is a musuem that glorifies the deeds of those enshrined. This of course means the things that they did during World War Two. It is hard to convince your neighbours that you have learnt from your mistakes, if you continue to think that those mistakes are glorious deeds to be honoured.
Japan ministers, but not premier, visit war shrine
Talk about learning from mistakes...
Yasukuni Shrine has so much controversy surrounding it not just because of the shrine proper (which enshrined war criminals, though its main purpose is to enshrine all those who died for the Japanese emperor), but because within the same compounds, there is a musuem that glorifies the deeds of those enshrined. This of course means the things that they did during World War Two. It is hard to convince your neighbours that you have learnt from your mistakes, if you continue to think that those mistakes are glorious deeds to be honoured.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
National Day Parade 2008
But still, parades serve their purpose, which is to show the world what a nation can do. The ability for a military to organise an event is similar to its ability to organise a military campaign.
Saturday, August 09, 2008
Beijing Olympics 2008 Opening Ceremony

In summary, it was impressive. After all, it is not everyday that you see a whole stadium of thousands of performers. More than 2000 drummers, covering the stadium floor, carrying out a traditional drum performance. Or that same number of people, doing a mass taiji/wushu display, so well coordinated. A few hundred people forming a moving typing press. The giant fireworks footsteps really seemed like a giant walking to the stadium. And many more. These mass displays made possible not by machines, but by the hard work and time spent on practice by human beings.
In the mass displays, China has shown the world the inventions that the Chinese have delivered that have influenced history. Now, it remains for us to see what the Chinese of the future have to deliver to put themselves back into being makers of history. And the first step is this historical event known as the opening ceremony of the 2008 Beijing Olympics.