Saturday, December 01, 2007

Lone Wolf

This is yet another series of gamebooks that I used to spend time with. One of the key features of the Lone Wolf series is that it doesn't require a set of dice to play. Instead, there is this page at the back of the book with a whole table of numbers, and you are just supposed to close your eyes and put a pencil on the page to get a number.

As the last surviving Kai lord, you are supposed to let the rest of the world know that disaster has struck, and at the same time, learn the skills to become a grandmaster Kai lord, so that you can help to rebuild the order.

Project Aon, the source for online downloads of the books
Ksatria, developers of the next Lone Wolf game
Lone Wolf module at Neverwinter Vault for Neverwinter Nights
Another Lone Wolf module for Neverwinter Nights

1 comment:

  1. For whatever reason (probably the fact that I discovered it first), Fighting Fantasy was the gamebook series that ended up consuming my gamebook playing days as a teen. As a result, I still have yet to read a Lone Wolf book yet.

    Now that I am a gamebook writer, I will have to make a conscious decision at some stage to have a look at a Lone Wolf story, just to see another way of how gamebooks are/were done and maybe get some ideas.
