Saturday, December 01, 2007

Encyclopedia Brown

One of those series that I loved reading back when I was young was this series of books about a boy called "Encyclopedia" Brown. He is actually a very well-read young boy, and uses his vast knowledge to spot loopholes in cases and solve them.

Each book in the series is actually a collection of short stories, and each short story is actually a mystery, a case waiting to be solved. There are clues within each story, and the reader is challenged to see if they can spot the loopholes in the case and thus solve the case. At the end of the book, the solutions to each mystery is provided, which the reader can reference to see if they got the clues right.

I would really recommend this series to children, since it not only trains them to think, they can get quite a fair amount of general knowledge just by reading this series, since "Encyclopedia" Brown touches on many topics. It sure brings back memories just thinking about the cases...

Encyclopedia Brown at Wikipedia
A story about Encyclopedia Brown

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