Saturday, November 24, 2007

Get Smart

Anyone remembers the TV show, Get Smart, about the fumbling Agent 86 Maxwell Smart, his beautiful partner Agent 99, and the evil nemesis organisation KAOS?

This TV comedy series used to air in Singapore back in the 1980s, and I remember watching every episode back then, enjoying the laughs from the fumbling spy, and being amazed that somehow, he still manages to save the day at the end of the show. James Bond is cool and slick, the ultimate spy. Maxwell smart is dumb and exactly handsome, yet he somehow manages to get the job done (although Agent 99 does help a lot).

The show also has a lot of spy gadgets, the most famous being the shoe phone, which is what we would call a cellular phone nowadays (just that it was built into a shoe). It was hilarious when the shoe starts to ring at the most awkward of times. And of course, the Cone of Silence that hardly works.

The show (seasons 1 to 5) is now available in DVD, so those who miss the old times can try to get their hands on a set for enjoying at their own pace back in the comfort of their homes.

And there is the upcoming movie too, scheduled to air in June 2008.

All you need to know about Get Smart
Youtube video of the opening theme
Another site on Get Smart
Official site for the Get Smart 2008 film

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