Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Good teachers

A student's success is as dependent on his own talent as it is on his teacher's talents.

Without a talented teacher, a student's talent will lay hidden, undiscovered.

I used to keep telling my calligraphy teacher that the reason why my calligraphy was able to improve so much in such a short time, and with so little practice, is because she is a good teacher. She always laughed it off, thinking I was just pulling her leg and making her happy.

Today, she was told that her recent calligraphy piece has gotten an award. The award is highly prestigious, given to outstanding works by calligraphy masters. Being a relative new calligraphy master (she was recognised as a master within the circle only about 9 years ago), it was quite a surprise that she got the award this year, over the more established masters.

Yes, she really is a good calligraphy teacher. And I am not kidding.

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