Sunday, October 28, 2007

Fearless 霍元甲

This is a Jet Li film, based on the historical martial arts character Huo Yuanjia (霍元甲). While there are quite some discrepancies (see the Wikipedia entries) between the film and the actual life of the martial arts hero, this movie is not a history documentary. Jet Li was trying to send a message through this movie about martial arts.

His key message, I think, is that martial arts is not about learning a skill to defeat your opponent, but rather, it is a way to learn about yourself, and to improve yourself. It is about learning how to control yourself. As he said in the movie, "You are your greatest opponent."

A great martial artist is not obsessed with winning. Instead, he is merciful. And there is no greatest martial arts. No martial arts can be said to be better than others. There are only good and bad practitioners.

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