Sunday, July 22, 2007

Neverwinter Nights 2

Yes, I know. Neverwinter Nights 2 (aka NWN2) has been out for some time already. So yes, I am a bit slow. But I got it today, even though I don't think I have the time to be playing. Why? Because I am a fan of Dungeons and Dragons, I have been interested in the Forgotten Realms campaign setting since the days of the Gold Box series of games. Not to mention that the time spent playing Forgotten Kingdoms (a MUD set in the Forgotten Realms campaign world) only made me more interested.

So after years of playing (and not playing) Neverwinter Nights, when NWN2 was out, I thought I would be there to grab it. Instead, I was busy with life and didn't have a chance to get it until now, and even then, I don't have the time to spend looking at it. So it will probably sit around collecting dust for a while before I get to completing it... probably by then, the expansion would be out...

1 comment:

  1. When are you going to come and join the fun to be had in World of Warcraft?? Trust me, you won't regret it at first, but you may after you've realized you've been hooked.. ;)
