Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Dune, Dragonlance and Harry Potter - Tests

I overheard over the radio about the new Harry Potter movie. Something about the students at the wizard school having to take a difficult exam in their 5th year of study. This sounded so familiar to me...

Anyone read the Dragonlance series? If you recall, the wizards of the Dragonlance world have to take the Test of High Sorcery before they are able to become a Wizard of High Sorcery and join one of the three Orders (White for good, Red for neutrality, Black for evil). This test is difficult and challenges the apprentice to see if he has the capacity for attaining power in wizardry. Potentially, the apprentice may die during the test as it may expose him to dangers that requires him to use both mental, physical and magical abilities to his limits and even beyond.

In Dune, the Bene Gesserit also puts their acolytes to the test, in order for them to attain the status/rank of Reverend Mother. They are put through the Spice Agony, which involves taking a toxic substance and then changing it internally so as to remove the toxicity. Failure means death for the acolyte. This is a selection process to ensure that only the able remain within the order to lead and to train future acolytes. Just like the Wizards of High Sorcery. And maybe, just like the wizards in Harry Potter's world.

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