Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Our new home (part 4)

Those staying in Singapore know that there is a 3-in-1 package by one of the telecommunications companies here. And that was what I got for my new home, considering that the 3-in-1 package comes with residential land line (using VoIP technology), broadband Internet connection, and a mobile phone subscription.

The problem comes when installing the setup in a new home. First, while the line was supposed to have been activated since Saturday, till today, I am still not getting any connection. When the person from the company came to install the setup at my new place, he couldn't get the DSL modem to connect. After checking with the company, it seems that it could be because "the connection hasn't been activated yet." And apparently, even when activated, it may take up to 24 hours before connection is available.

So today, I went to check, and still no connection. So after calling their tech support, I was told that the line was actually activated already. So it could actually be because of my phone socket that is causing connection problem.

Huh? So who should I be listening to? One says my line wasn't activated yet, another says that my line was activated already, as per the agreement to activate on Saturday. Nevermind, we shall see when they send their tech support guy over tomorrow, and hopefully, this big company is able to solve my little problem.

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