Monday, April 16, 2007

Star Wars and Dune

Okay, so I finally got to Episode 6, The Return of the Jedi.

And this is going to be quite short, since there aren't many similarities not already covered in my previous post (and related links).

The planet of Tatooine is a desert planet, like Arrakis in Dune. And similarly, they have a creature of the desert. And the Jedi have the special ability to control people by talking to them, similar to the Bene Gesserit's Voice in Dune. And the Force is strong in the Skywalker's family, which at the present generation referred to Luke and his sister, Leia. Just as Paul Atreides and his sister Alia were both gifted with visions and the training of the Bene Gesserit.

Of course, the Harkonnen baron never repented, unlike Darth Vader. But just like the Bene Gesserit planted stories (which became legends, myths and prophecies) amongst people all over the universe, one of which was about the coming of Paul Atreides to Dune, the Ewoks on Endor treated C3PO as a god.

Okay, that's it for Star Wars. Until next time, when I watch the other episodes again.

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