Tuesday, February 20, 2007


This is actually quite an old game, it has been online for quite some time now. The original Runescape, also called Runescape Classic now to distinguish it from the present Runescape, is giving way to the new Runescape, which can be accessed here.

Runescape runs on Java, so any Java-capable browser will be able to run it. Like most online games nowadays, you can play Runescape for free, though certain features (such as skills and areas) are only available to paying members.

In Runescape, you can hone your fighting skills by killing mobs (such as goblins, chickens, or other humans) or you can improve at magic by casting spells. Burying bones increases your prayer skill, while making things improves the relevant craft skills. You can make weapons and armour, jewelry, pottery, and even runes (which are needed for casting spells). There are places to explore, ingredients to fine, resources to gather (mining, fishing, cutting wood). Some mobs even send you on quests to help them. And there is also the Wilderness, where PK (player killing) is allowed. It is here where you can pit your combat skills against other players. It is also here where newbies are advised to stay away.

Runescape may not have the great graphics of games like World of Warcraft. It is, however, a relatively simple game, easy to learn, and provides simple fun when you just want to kill some time. Do feel free to check it out, it is free, after all.

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