Saturday, February 24, 2007


JAG is a TV drama series that started showing in Singapore some time back in the mid-1990s, should be 1995 if I recall correctly. It is about LT Harmon Rabb, who is a naval aviator in the USN, but got a desk job at JAG (Judge Advocate General). He was called upon to investigate various cases, some of which required him to use his skills as a naval aviator.

Although the series was to run for 10 seasons, I only managed to catch the first one. Through the 10 seasons, LT Rabb climbed up the navy ladder, adding bars to his shoulders (getting promoted), while changing professional partners. The first two seasons are now available on DVD, and the third season will be released on DVD on 20 March 2007. I guess over the next two years, we can expect the rest of the series to be released on DVD. You can be sure I will be saving up to get the complete series, to catch up on what I had missed.

The official JAG page at CBS
JAG in Wikipedia

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