Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Rain, rain, go away...

It is the northeast monsoon now. Rain is a part of life. It was raining the whole of yesterday. And it was raining the whole of today. And I am not talking about your usual rain. I am talking about pouring cats and dogs. At times, it was as if someone was pouring buckets (very very BIG buckets) of water down from the sky.

Visibility is reduced, roads get wet, and road accidents happen. Sometimes, it is not even a vehicle hitting another. Today, there was a tree that fell on a car. The heavy downpours also caused floods in certain areas of Singapore, notably around Seletar, where I heard they had water up to knee-level. Which caused cars to stall. And traffic jams.

So if you like rain, like to get wet even when holding an umbrella, do visit Singapore during the rainy season. I am sure the tropical rainforest section of the Singapore zoo looks very much more realistic in the rain.

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