How many people actually know what they want from life? What do they want to do with their life? And how many actually get down to doing it? How many actually achieve what they set out to do?
I know what I want to do with my life. I even have a plan. Yet, carrying out that plan always seem so... troublesome. Difficult. Why? Why can't I just commit to doing what I want to do, rather than putting it to yet another day, to some other time? Why does my mind wander, rather than stay focus? Is diversifying and keeping options open a good thing? Or should I focus my energy one achieving one goal at a time?
My goal? To do something that I want to do, which is to write and influence the lives of others. The current reality, though, is that I am working, and can spare little time to write. Options? I am exploring one of them now, which is blogging. Another option is to write a page a day, so that at the end of the year, I would have a book. And of course, I could always write full-time instead of working for someone else. My choice? I have set my mind to do the following. I will write something each day. I will write something on my blog each day to improve my writing skills. I will write a page for my book each day so that I can have something to show at the end of the year.
The GROW model is a good self-coach method too. Try it. It may help you achieve your goals. Who knows? I will let you know when I achieve mine.
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