Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Budokan - The Martial Spirit

This game is from Electronic Arts, and apparently has been included in a recent compilation of EA old games, called EA Replay for the Playstation. The game objective is simple: train your skills and go on to take part in a martial arts competition held at the Budokan.

As the player, you get to practise four different martial arts: karate, kendo, nunchaku and bo. Practise in the dojo (training hall) can be in the form of shadow boxing, or sparring against a fellow student. Within each martial art, there are various moves available for the player to choose from, and you can come up with your own "killer combo" by stringing together a series of offensive moves. You can also block your opponent's attacks, allowing you to build up ki, which allows subsequent attacks to deal more damage.

The sparring mat allows you to pit your skills in a certain martial art against those of an opponent practising another form of martial art. This is as close as it gets before you start off to take part in the competition at the Budokan itself. The sparring mat also allows you to spar against another human player. However, that means sharing a keyboard, or using a combination of keyboard, joystick and mouse.

The sensei (teacher) has a house too, and you can visit him to ask for advice. If you like Zen, with people talking in riddles, you may want to spend time listening to the old master. However, if you spend too much time bothering him and too little time practising, he will tell you off. By the way, once you think you are ready to start the competition, you have to visit the sensei and let him know. He will then send you on your way.

The competition at the Budokan comprises of twelve matches, each against an opponent (usually of increasing difficulty) who either practises one of the four martial arts that you know, or obscure, lesser known martial arts that you have not practised. You are allowed to use each of the four martial arts four times throughout the competition. You are allowed three tries against each opponent. If you lose to one opponent, you fall back to the previous one, whom you have to fight again. The last match is against a "shadow" of youself. He tries to copy your moves and use them against you. Defeat him, and victory is yours!

The real Budokan is found in Tokyo, and real martial arts competitions and performances are held there on a regular basis. It is also used for performances by bands and the occasional exhibition.

From one of the people who brought this game to you.
A review at Mobygames.

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