Sunday, July 30, 2006

Catches at Bedok Jetty

The above fishes were caught over the last two weekends. The golden trevally (caught on 22 Jul 06) was caught nibbling on my hook (which I had hooked up with some tamban meat) and it was about the size of my palm. There wasn't much of a fight, I didn't even know I had a bite until I reeled in my line to check the bait. Imagine my surprise. It was going to rain and I was about to call it a day. 22 Jul was a good day for tamban, though. I probably caught 50 of them, in all sizes.

Setting off to Bedok Jetty again on 29 Jul 06 morning, with firm instructions not to bring home any of the fishes caught (my fridge was still full of the tambans caught the previous week), I arrived to find that it is a slow day at the jetty. Even the tambans were not biting, and I got only about 10 of them in the first hour of jigging. Then again, I didn't really need that many, just enough to use as baits. I caught the puffer on one of my rods, guess the puffer liked tamban meat. The flathead (that's what a boy at the jetty told me it was, and he said it is nice to eat too) was caught on handline. Again, I didn't realise the flathead had taken the hook, until I pulled in the line to check the bait.

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