Monday, September 22, 2014

Singapore F1 weekend

It's the Singapore F1 weekend, the race just ended, and the haze is back.

Lewis Hamilton came in top for this year's race. Leading the race right from the start.

PSI went above 100 into the unhealthy range... there is a burning smell in the air.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Preparing for the exhibition

After a whole week of practice.

After writing around a hundred pieces.


Hopefully this is good enough for the coming exhibition.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Getting the hang of it

After a week of practice, writing 53 pieces, I am getting the hang of it.

I started out with this, before the week of practice.

But it wasn't good enough.

So I practised and practised and practised.

And I finally arrived at this.

I am finally getting there!

Lucy (film)

I watched this film, "Lucy", the other day. It is a science fiction movie, a big monotonous since the heroine more or less became invincible a third into the movie. And then it is just a whole series of powers that she has.

Still, the way the heroine was transformed into superhuman reminded me of the Bene Gesserit and their spice agony. The scene of the heroine touching fingers with primitive man (woman) is trying to recreate the scene from "The Creation of Adam". And in the end, when humans use up to 100% of their brain capacity, they become gods. Man and God are the same.

Okay, getting into theology and philosophy...

Just watch the movie for the fun of it. Don't think too much. Good way to spend one and a half hours if you have nothing better to do.

Tuesday, September 09, 2014

Calligraphy is an expensive hobby


And more practice...

Calligraphy is an expensive and time-consuming hobby. All that time spent writing on paper (which cost money!) that will only be thrown away because they don't make the mark. More money (paper) down the drain...

Monday, September 08, 2014

Practice practice practice

That was what I was told. That I needed more practice before I can even create a piece suitable for display at an exhibition.

And so, I am back to practice.

Paper is not cheap. Calligraphy is an expensive pastime.

Tuesday, September 02, 2014

My smiley B*)

Back in the BBS days, when I was on Lothlorien BBS, I used to use this for my smiley.


Back then, I wore glasses. It was in the days of offline mail readers, like BlueWave. Fixed width characters, 80 characters per line, 25 lines per page. ASCII text, ANSI art. Those were the days.