Sunday, July 15, 2012

Saturday, July 07, 2012

Kiasu Singaporeans

Singaporeans are known for being kiasu, or being afraid of losing. Yet this fear of losing is exactly what causes us to lose. Because when you are afraid of losing, it clouds your judgment... your mind keeps thinking about loss, it becomes preoccupied with loss rather than focusing on the issue at hand. In the end, this fear of losing becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy; the mind becomes preoccupied, thus it is not able to analyse what is needed to succeed, and thus you end up failing.

It is time we wean ourselves from this bad trait. Yes, it is good to stay competitive, it is good to want to come up top. But we should not become too preoccupied with success or failure to the point that we lose sight of the important things in life.

Wednesday, July 04, 2012

Fatal accident on Tanah Merah Coast Road

There was an accident along Tanah Merah Coast Road yesterday, in which one died and 25 others were injured. It sounded very familiar. There was once when I was driving along that same road, when a dumpster came head on towards me. That dumpster was trying to overtake another dumpster on the opposite lane, and strayed into my lane. I quickly kept as left as I could to the side of the road, the dumpster passed me by inches, and I lived to tell the tale. The road is not dangerous; it is made dangerous by those who misuse it.

Tuesday, July 03, 2012

More malls rolling out free wi-fi

Saw this article about more malls rolling out free wi-fi in Singapore.

It is about time... if a coffee shop in Vietnam offers free wi-fi, as the "most future-ready Asian city", Singapore should not be far behind, if not actually leading the edge.