Ramblings of an ex-computer geek... Games from the late 80s and 90s... Linux and open source software...
Friday, August 11, 2006
As one grows older...
Today, I went to extract my wisdom teeth. Yes, all four of them, both lower and upper. This is an operation that needs to be performed under GA at day surgery.So I woke up early and hungry (had to fast since last night) and made my way to the hospital. I had to wait a while for the dentist to arrive. But once wheeled into the operating theatre, things happened real fast. After being told to take a few deep breaths, I woke up to someone calling my name and telling me the operation is over. Wow! Modern medicine really is wonderful. But no matter how wonderful medicine can be, it still didn't really get rid of the swelling (my jaws are much broader now...) and the sore-pain. Right now I can't chew, so I am on a soft-food diet (read "porridge", "cereal") but hopefully, I will be able to chew a bit by mid of next week. Anything hot is out too, so I have to let my food cool down. The sore-pain is a bit of trouble, but I guess it doesn't hinder much. Except that I can't go to work, being on medication and having to bring my own meals if I do.